by Cameron Hopkins
Published in American Handgunner March/April 1991
Race\'ras\n -s\ [akin to Old English raes rush, running leap]: a running competition: a contest of speed.
That is a definition from Webster's Third New International Dictionary, the recognized authority on the language of English.
Now here is a definition from American Handgunner, the recognized authority for the language of shooting.
Racegun\'ras- ' gun\ n -s [akin to old IPSC fulI-house]: a super-charged combat pistol customized with the latest most sophisticated technology.
And that is precisely what you see before you, a radically customized .40 S&W Para-Ordinance hi-capacity combat pistol featuring the most advanced new materials and most refined new technology available anywhere at any price.
This is a racegun, a gun that combines the speed of a sprinter with the heart of a marathoner. It's a gun that can go the distance with 16 uninterrupted shots of the hottest new .40 S&W cartridge. Plus, here's a gun that can blaze furiously ahead with the blinding speed of the lightest and fastest lock mechanism available today with parts made of titanium, carbon fiber and magnesium. Read More...